AMA - You Ask, Bethany Answers!

Hey, loves!

It’s AMA time again, and by now I think most of know how that goes – I answer a few of your questions, and you leave me more. Haha.

If you have a question for me, then drop it in HERE.

Onto the q’s for the week!


1. Will any of Adriano or Alessa’s daughters be a featured character? I’m super curious about them.

Hi there.

Highly unlikely. Which trust me, is just as strange to you as it is to me. For whatever reason, their daughters just haven’t come into my head like others have. I never had any real ideas for second generation books for them and whatnot. I never say never because my muse is fickle and it could change, but as of now, they haven’t showed up. And they haven’t really shown any interest in showing up in someone else’s book either. Sorry.

2. I’m a sucker for a hot single dad so I’m super excited about Pink getting a standalone. Any deets on the lucky partner for him? Will they help him out in the laundry department? Lol.


I almost said he would be my first single dad but he isn’t because I suppose Demyan was my first single dad romance. But anyway. As for his partner … I won’t give toooooo many details away about her, but she is a professional model – like supermodel the second time they run into one another, haha. So, yep, should be fun. And yes, she can help in that department, but he pretty much has a good handle on it by then. LMAO.

3. Got a big feeling Vanna is from Las Vegas.

LMAO – and you would be wrong. *winks*

4. It could be that I'm wrong, if that is a case I apologize for asking you this. I heard that Canadians love Maple Syrup to the obsession point. Is this truth and if it is why do you guys love it so much? 
All best wishes for you.

I don’t think it’s a matter of obsession when it comes to maple syrup, but rather a matter of quality. A lot of people think Aunt Jemima syrup is real maple syrup and it’s not – just corn syrup with a lot of sugar, and flavored like maple. So when someone says to a Canadian that they love maple syrup, you ask their favorite brand, and they say Aunt Jemima – it’s like, what? Because that’s not even real maple syrup, and it tastes very little like the real thing.

And I can’t say I am obsessed with it, anyway. I have real maple syrup maybe 3 times a year, and I live 30 minutes away from a maple syrup farm. As I understand it, maple syrup is super expensive outside of Canada – the real stuff, not the knock off versions, so if someone hasn’t tried real maple syrup, especially not in the dead of winter tossed on a clean snowbank, and then wrapped around a popsicle stick, I get why you would ask a question like, “Why do you guys love it so much?”

Should try it.

Our way.

Okay, loves. That’s all for this week. Until the next.


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