The Twins: Chapter 5 - Different

Hey, loves! Welcome back to the next chapter of our newest blog series titled, The Twins. This is the second to last chapter of this series for the twins. There are only six chapters total because it was never meant to be a long series but rather my usual vignette-style, short series to give away some secrets about these two boys that I really couldn’t fit into their books while the series published. Plus, there’s been a lot of people who asked and wanted more for these two boys so it just worked.

So with all that being said, there is only one final chapter to this blog series left after this one. Do enjoy.

Do you need to catch up on The Twins?



Chapter 5 - Beni POV

“Bene, wait up!”
All he heard was his twin’s laughter twisting through the trails in the forest. Just over his shoulder, he could still see part of their parents’ property and the mansion just beyond the treeline. Their parents’ rules were pretty clear about the woods and the twins.
If they could still see the house, then it was okay. If they couldn’t see the house, then they went too far and it was time to come back. Mostly, they tried to follow the rules because people bothered the brothers a lot less.
Sometimes, they also didn’t care.
Today seemed like one of those days.
Besides, they had been playing in these trails for longer than Beni could even remember. It’s where they learned to ride bikes, and where they played tag or hide-and-seek with their older brothers. And it was also where the twins liked to disappear to when there was just too much going on in the mansion.
Like parties.
Or birthdays.
Today was their party.
They probably shouldn’t have snuck out.
Oh, well.
There was a lot about eight-year-old twins, Bene and Beni, that was exactly the same. Like the way they looked—obviously. But also the way they dressed. How they talked. The expressions their faces made. Or that’s what everyone else always told them whenever somebody said they had bad attitudes.
Something Beni noticed about other people? When they noticed how similar the twins were, then they started treating them as though they were exactly the same, too. Gifts came doubled. Outfits that matched right down to the socks. People just referred to them as the twins or those Guzzi twins.
As though they didn’t have their own names.
Nothing bothered Beni more than when someone started treating him and his twin like they were the same person. Because they weren’t. Even if they looked and did things the same, it didn’t mean they were. Bene didn’t have as much trouble with that as he did.
See, sometimes they were different.
Beni learned to swim first. Bene could still run faster. He always woke up at the crack of dawn and his brother never did. Bene thought poached eggs were good and Beni thought they were puke on a plate.
But it was a lot easier to just let people think and do whatever they wanted when it came to the twins than it was to constantly correct others. Besides, he didn’t mind. And Bene really didn’t care. So just because it was a little annoying didn’t mean it affected Beni enough to make it stop. Plus, their parents and brothers never treated them like they were anything other than Beni and Bene.
Wasn’t that what counted?
“Wait up, Bene!” Beni shouted, still trying to catch up with his twin.
He couldn’t see beyond the bushy bend in the trail. Maybe he should have known better than to come around it so fast, but especially when Bene loved to just jump out of anywhere and scare the crap out of him.
Like he did this time.
His twin jumping out of the bushes with his hands going wild and his voice loud enough that even the people at the party would hear him was enough to send Beni flying back on the trail. Of course, he stumbled over his shoes and fell right on his ass.
Bene’s laughter surrounded him, but just as fast, his twin was in front of him and pulling him up from the ground with a strong grip. Once the two were standing face to face again, Beni shook his head while Bene laughed.
“Got you again, bro,” Bene said.
“Screw you.”
His brother hadn’t let his hand go. He squeezed tight, and so did Bene. Their hands locked around each other reminded him of something else that was different between them.
The scars on the side of their hands.
So faint, and thin.
Two red lines.
But Bene’s was shorter than his.
They couldn’t even remember how they got them.
Beni, Bene!
Bene let out a dramatic sigh and gave his twin a grin. “Busted.”
“Get back to the house!” came their father’s call, faint as it was in the woods.
Beni shrugged and his twin dropped his hand. “Well, we tried.”
That would, undoubtedly, be the story of their life.

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